Heritage Digital Workshop: Developing online resources and collections online: copyright and data protection issues
Applications are now closed
This workshop is for the regions of: England - North + Scotland + Northern Ireland
To apply for the regions England - Midlands, East + Wales, please click here
To apply for the regions England - South East, South West, London, please click here
Due to the complexity of copyright and data protection issues this workshop will be held on 2 separate days across 3 hours each day, when applying for this workshop please do take the time commitment into consideration.
Workshop overview
This detailed 2-part online course provides a comprehensive study into the practical aspects of rights management and data protection in relation to developing online resources and collections online. This session will give delegates the opportunity to consider rights clearance and risk management strategies for their organisations, essential for those looking to provide access to their resources as well as use content created by others.
Day 1, 19th May, 10:00-13:00, learning objectives:
- Understand the data protection and personal data issues associated with developing online resources and putting collections online
- Explore copyright and performers rights issues associated with content development
- Consider the permissions and consents required and how to get them
- Compare the different exceptions to copyright and how they apply to online activities
- Ask the trainer questions around key related topics
- Be signposted to authoritative sources of information
Day 2, 26th May, 10:00-13:00, learning objectives:
- Review best practice in avoiding infringements and using other people’s content legally
- Discuss the management of orphan works and how to mitigate risks
- Discuss licensing and how to make your content available
- Recognise key issues to include in a rights clearance and risk management strategy for your organisation
- Explore case studies as they apply to different situations
- Be guided to content you can use for free
Application procedure:
Please complete the short application form in the ‘Apply Now’ tab.
Applications will be open until 14:00 (BST) on 7th May, however if the volume of applications is high before this date, we will close the application form. With up to 25 spaces available, we’ll be looking to ensure that those taking part are those who most need the training content, as well as ensuring that we are offering training to a range of heritage types.
Successful applicants will be informed by 10th May and will be sent joining instructions after this date. Should accepted applicants find they are unable to make the workshop nearer the date, we do ask that we are informed as soon as possible, so that the place on this training may be offered to another applicant.
Workshop host:
Naomi Korn Associates is one of the UK’s leading information management consultancies, specialising in intellectual property rights, data protection and licensing, providing support to the heritage and arts sectors. Naomi Korn Associates supports their clients to develop rights, privacy policies and awareness through training and consultancy services.
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