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Copyright and suppliers: How to get the rights you need in new digital content

11:00 - 12:00

Most heritage organisations will work with external suppliers at some point to generate new content, support their online and digital activities, as well as help manage and provide online access to their collections. Copyright issues will arise in any digital content creation, commissioning and use. Therefore knowing what rights you have, how you can protect them and make the most of your investment, will be crucial. In this webinar, you will learn about simple, practical tools and frameworks to get started on your copyright journey. Using real-life examples, we will show you:

  • What is copyright, and how might it arise when working with suppliers

  • How you can protect and make the most of any new copyright arising in newly commissioned content

  • Frameworks for ensuring you get the rights you need when contracting new services

  • Top tips when working with suppliers

  • Where to find out more to guide your organisation and upskill staff

Who should watch:


This session is most useful for anyone working in a heritage organisation who is responsible for managing suppliers/contractors or making decisions about how their organisation delivers programmes and activities. It is particularly relevant for those working with collections-based heritage.


No previous knowledge of copyright is required.


Workshop Hosts:


Naomi Korn Associates is one of the UK’s leading information management consultancies specialising in intellectual property rights, data protection and licensing, providing support to the heritage and arts sectors. Naomi Korn Associates supports their clients develop rights and privacy policies and awareness through training and consultancy services.

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Naomi Korn

Naomi Korn

Founder and Managing Director
Naomi Korn Associates

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