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Room 1 - Avize

Unlock your data with Microsoft Cloud for Non-profits

30 June 202214:00 - 14:40
Tory Cassie
Director of Nonprofit
James Glover
Head of Solutions Architecture
Sponsored bym-hance
Supported byCPD certified



Your organisation probably has more data than you know. Data that holds vital insights into all aspects of your organisation. Yet more than a third of charities rate themselves as poor at using, managing, and analysing data, according to the Charity Digital Skills report 2021. When used effectively, data can tell charities everything they need to know about their progress – how they are performing and how well they are likely to keep doing so in the future. You just have to unlock it! 


Although many charities have the data right there in front of them, managing and analysing this data can be seen as an overwhelming task with lots of moving parts, such as multiple systems, staff and touch points. It can feel easier to just ignore data. But, understanding your data doesn’t have to be difficult. With the right tools, like Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofits, it is easy to bring your data together and use it to consolidate and innovate your operations. Data can enable charities to better understand their supporters, to learn more about the impact of your funds, and discover where your services are most needed, including those places where, perhaps, they’re not sufficiently reaching. 


In this session, Tory Cassie and James Glover from Microsoft experts m-hance will talk charities through unlocking their data with Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofits, offering lessons on everything from how to connect data files to how to improve supporter journeys. You will leave the session understanding how simple it can be to unify data, enabling you to better understand your supporters, as well as the impact of your funds and services. 


Learning outcomes: 

  • How your charity can work with data in Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Understanding of the fundamentals of Microsoft’s Cloud for Nonprofit including its Fundraising and Engagement Solution
  • A step-by-step guide to campaign automation, including best practices to reduce workloads and increase mission impact

Who is this session for? 

  • All charities using Microsoft Dynamics 365or thinking about implementing it in their charity


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