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For not-for-profits: what we do

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Content and events 


Our content and events aim to help not-for-profit embrace digital tools. By doing this, we want to maximise the overall impact of the not-for-profit sector on all the causes that matter today.  


Digital tools can make operations more efficient, maximising your time and resources; they can help you reach more people through marketing; they can help you deliver and improve services, and much more. We want to help not-for-profit harness the power of digital to deliver their greatest possible impact. 


In all our content, we want to keep you informed about the issues affecting the sector. We also want to inspire and empower – and to connect charities with experts, partners, and resources to help them go further in their missions.


We publish free daily articles, fortnightly podcasts, fortnightly webinars, regular videos, as well as running regular events.  



Why and how we work with technology partners 


We are a charity, but only a tiny portion of our funding stems from donations. Our content and events are instead partially supported by commercial partners. Their support means most of our content and events can be provided to our audience free of charge, meaning they can remain accessible to as many not-for-profit as possible, regardless of size or income.


The support from our sponsors gives us stability so that we can be consistent in our services and continue championing digital in the not-for-profit sector, helping the most causes possible.


We only work with sponsors whose products or services we believe could be of genuine value to our audience. We determine what we write and produce to best serve our audience and we always indicate explicitly when something is sponsored.



Registering for an account to access our content 


In order to read more than three of our articles, you will be asked to register for an account. This is completely free. We simply ask you to enter some details about you and your charity. This helps us get a sense of our impact and to better cater our content to you. 



Charity Digital Exchange 


Our exchange platform provides charities access to free and discounted software and hardware offers, training, and courses. We are the UK’s only platform offering charities access to discounted and donated software. 


With major global technology partners like Microsoft, Google, and Adobe, Charity Digital have helped over 68,000 organisations accelerate their missions using digital technology, while saving the sector over £260million in costs.  



dotdigital email marketing 


Not-for-profits send an average of 6 million emails per month through Charity Digital’s bespoke charity email service (previously known as TT-mail).  The service offers a world-class email platform, dotdigital, plus personal support from a not-for-profit email specialist team, with exceptionally cost-effective pricing for charitable organisations.


Learn more about dotdigital and what we offer here. 



Grant-funded programmes 


Our grant-funded activity allows us to achieve deeper and more focused impact. One example is Heritage Digital Academy which is aimed at supporting the heritage sector to harness the power of digital.  


Supported by DCMS, as part of the Heritage Fund’s Digital Skills for Heritage initiative, Heritage Digital Academy offers a cycle of unique digital courses and standalone webinars and workshops focussed on innovation, enterprise, and organisational planning to develop new digital practices and increase confidence in key skills.   

We have also partnered with the Sage Foundation to support the creation of the Organisational Financial Literacy Programme. This was aimed at supporting small- and medium-sized not-for-profits in developing their financial knowledge and skills. For this, we engaged in research before producing educational written content and videos. 



Charity Payments Service 


Our tailored not-for-profit finance services help charities take advantage of digital payment processing, direct debits, and lotteries.  Since 2002, our payment processing and fundraising services have generated over £300M in income for our charity customers. Learn more about our Charity Payments Service and what we offer here 

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