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Workshop: Your charity’s journey to stronger cyber security: where are you now, and where do you want to go?

09 March 202315:30 - 17:00
Sophie B
Resilience Officer
National Cyber Security Centre
Sponsored byNCSC BMD23
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Join this interactive workshop to be provided with the knowledge required to formulate the next steps for your organisation to get better protected against cyber attacks. 


Attendees will take part in a deep-dive through some of the key questions in the NCSC’s Cyber Essentials Readiness Toolkit, a government backed scheme which helps organisations guard against the most common cyber threat and demonstrates commitment to cyber security. This includes firewalls, secure settings, access controls, malware and software updates. Using fundamental elements of cyber security, participants will baseline what’s currently being done in their charity, learn what other charities are doing, identify opportunities, and map a way forward to ensure their networks are thoroughly protected.  


Learning outcomes:  

  • Understanding of cyber security principles and practices 
  • Ability to identify where their organisation could make changes to improve their cyber security, and understand what they are doing well too!  
  • Action plan of next steps and critical questions tailored to their organisation  
Cyber security
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