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Article: Free finance checklist for small charities

18 March 202209:00 - 10:00
Aidan Paterson
Content Lead

This resource was created by Sage Foundation, in collaboration with Charity Digital and Solid Base Non-Profit support as part of the Organisational Financial Literacy project.



Recent events have led to widespread change and an ongoing process of digitisation within the UK charity sector.


Many aspects of charity work have been transformed, such as remote working, digital fundraising and online service delivery. Now that charities have had these procedures in place for some time, it is a good opportunity to evaluate the efficacy of your digital processes.


It is important that this evaluation extends to finance. Many charities have neglected finance management in favour of other priorities.


Small charities are the most likely to be affected by this. The recent Organisational Financial Literacy Report found that small charities were significantly more likely to have finance workers in place who lacked the requisite training.


The report found that 53% of these workers were not proficient enough in their role to be able to fulfil the finance function effectively and produce sufficient reportage for sustainable planning and responsible financial decision-making.


This checklist includes a quick assessment tool outlining all the information a charity will need to judge the levels of maturity of their financial processes.


It also includes essential steps to achieving the high levels of Organisational Financial Literacy that will enable charities to build a financially sustainable future.


Download the checklist

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