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Article: The digital tools you need to master fundraising

17 March 202209:00 - 10:00
Kellie Smith
Writer, editor and communications consultant

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Over the past two decades, traditional face-to-face fundraising has given way to new digital fundraising methods. Digital technologies have transformed charities’ fundraising strategies by allowing them to build relationships with new supporters, expand engagement beyond geographical boundaries and raise further awareness.


Digital tools aren’t just good for charities. They also provide donors with a quick and convenient way to support the causes they care about. People don’t need to rely on cash or cheques. Instead, they can donate quickly with the click of a button.


The pandemic has further increased the need for digital fundraising tools. With in-person events off the cards for most of the last two years, charities of all sizes have embraced digital transformation to boost their fundraising income.


Here are some tools you may want to consider using to drive forward your organisation’s digital transformation in 2022 and beyond.



QR codes


The QR code, short for Quick Response code, holds information just like a barcode. You can use a smartphone camera to scan a QR code, which will automatically open a webpage or display content.


Charity fundraisers are using them in different ways, including directing people to donation forms on websites, on direct mail, or placing them on fundraising packs for people to donate and in advertising campaigns.





This technology may seem overwhelming but once you get your head around it, there are lots of benefits for charities. Blockchain allows digital information to be distributed, but not copied. This means data and information are kept safe.


For charities, blockchain can be used to manage donations more efficiently, and improve trust with donors as donations can be tracked and traced more effectively.


For more information, check out: Blockchain for charity fundraising


Digital marketing


From social to video, digital marketing continues to be a popular fundraising tool. Sharing personal video stories of the people your charity supports is a great way to show the impact someone’s donation can make to your cause.


Email marketing continues to be a popular tool in charity fundraising. It allows you to make personalised, optimised appeals to potential donors. There is different email software available to get you up and running.


All charities should be using social media to increase their reach. Make sure you pick the platforms that best suit your needs and target the demographics that will find the most value in your organisation.



Artificial intelligence


If you’ve not used artificial intelligence (AI) before, it’s something you may want to consider adopting at your charity. AI analyses data, identifies patterns and trends, and uses that information to help you effectively target your key audiences.


A good example is WaterAid’s ‘Talk to Selly’ campaign, which saw potential donors talking to a chatbot called Selly who purported to be a person benefiting directly from the charity’s support. People interacting with the bot learned how their money would help real-life people like Selly.



Virtual networking platforms


Virtual networking platforms have taken off since the start of the pandemic, with charities using them to boost their fundraising efforts. One of the tools that is proving particularly popular is Remo as it offers two options: presentation tools and the chance to network either one-to-one or in small groups.


Online fundraising platforms


Charities have a range of online fundraising platforms to choose from, some of which are free. One of the first platforms on the market, JustGiving has raised more than £4 billion for charities since 2001. In March 2019, the company waived its 5% platform fee in favour of donors making a voluntary contribution in support of the platform’s operations.


Other online fundraising tools include BOPP, CAF Donate, and. Make sure you pick an online fundraising platform with a mobile app to encourage more people to donate.



Online charity shop


Setting up an online fundraising shop is a great way to increase your online donations. Having an online retail presence will help you to reach more potential supporters, including younger people who are used to shopping online and people living overseas.



Text-to-donate options


Text donations are a quick and convenient way to give. They’ve been particularly helpful during the pandemic when social distancing rules were in place. To get started, charities need to sign up to a text donate service provider, such as Donr, Donate or instagGiv, and then set up a text to donate campaign.



Donor management


It probably sounds obvious but it’s worth emphasising the importance of having a customer relationship manager (CRM) to manage donations. This digital tool will help you to keep track of your donors and their donations. Examples include Donorfy, DonorPerfect, and Salesforce.

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