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Digital Service Delivery & Operations

Building a digital strategy to innovate, automate and accelerate

04 March 202109:05 - 09:35
Andrea Cowell
Account Manager
Phoenix Software
Trevor Kerr
Head of Digital
Together Trust
Sponsored byPhoenix

The past 12 months have been tough for all us, but the charity sector has faced unique challenges. In the wake of shocking figures about the reduction of donations and the other issues facing charities, it is all too easy to only see the negative. But now is the time to shine a light on all the innovation and transformation the sector experienced.


The year 2020 saw charities undergo a process of digital transformation by pandemic. Necessity is the mother of invention and the sector adopted new and innovative processes to meet the challenges of COVID-19. But how can they carry this momentum forward in a sustainable way?


In 2021, charities need to ensure that they seize new opportunities and build on the progress of the last year.


In this session, Phoenix will give an overview of the obstacles they’ve seen the sector face and what lies ahead. They’ll be exploring some charity case studies to find out how they used digital solutions to move their services forward during the pandemic. This session will explore the many facets of transformation charities need to consider, including security, user adoption, productivity, automation and cost optimisation.

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