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Digital Transformation for Nonprofit Finance Leaders

02 March 202110:35 - 11:05
Joan Benson
Director of Nonprofit Industry Marketing
Sage Intacct
Piers Thom
Solutions Consultant
Sage Intacct
Joanne Davison
Account Executive
Sage Intacct
Sponsored bySage Intacct

The role of finance in business has changed radically in recent years, as the large-scale introduction of digital processes to the workplace has led to increased recognition of the role finance can play as a strategic enabler. These changes are now becoming more common in the charity sector.


Historically, finance has been siloed in many organisations, but CFOs now find themselves having to confront new challenges as their work becomes more and more integral to the overall strategy of their organisation.


Charities are becoming more data-driven, as a wider process of digital transformation allows leaders to make more informed decisions. Finance and impact reporting can provide some of the most valuable data when it comes to deciding how to allocate resources and operate strategically. It can also help to root out inefficiency by enabling employees to focus on higher-value tasks rather than time-consuming manual tasks that could be automated.


In this session, we discuss how digital transformation can empower your finance team to make data-driven decisions to maximise your charity’s impact.

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