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Digital Workshops

What really happens in a cyber - attack and how you can protect your charity

03 March 202109:30 - 11:30
Jonathan Chevallier
Matt .
National Cyber Security Centre
Sponsored byNCSC


Key Resources from the session:


In February of 2021 Charity Digital was the victim of a cyber-attack. As a sector, charities are digitally evolving every day. Unfortunately, the cyber criminals are too. The reality is that the sector is still viewed as a soft target for cyber-attacks by criminals and other bad actors. Charities must ensure they are doing all they can to secure their systems, data and information.


It’s so easy to turn a blind eye, thinking it won’t happen to your organisation... until it does. This workshop has been designed to equip charities with the knowledge to better understand and tackle security risks and how to respond if there a security breach. After this interactive workshop participants will feel more confident about undertaking key cyber security actions.It will cover areas such as staff mindset, processes, communications and the technology you need.  


Participants will learn:   
  • Prevention: understanding steps your charity can take to prevent an attack

  • Response: if your organisationis attacked, what is the best course of action including containment and communication

  • A run-through of the key resources you can use to help secure your organisation   

  • Interactive exercises to get you thinking about your charity’s cyber security measures

  • Honest discussions about cyber security with the workshop hosts and other participants

  • The opportunity to ask any questions both during and after the workshop has ended

This workshop is aimed at charity professionals working in leadership or decision-making, digital roles, and for a maximum of 25 people.



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