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Marigold Room

How to afford fundraising

14 October 202110:45 - 11:25
Philip Spedding
Senior Manager for Advisory

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Fundraising is expensive. You’ve got overheads, resourcing and marketing costs... and that’s before you start thinking about investing in the latest text-to-donate software, updating your fundraising platform or getting the best virtual event tools for your next fundraising event. All this requires money.


In this session, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) will explain how you can find the money to invest in developing new fundraising initiatives, how to put a bid together and how to make grant-giving projects last for longer. CAF talks to funders every day. In 2019/20, they helped them distribute over £700m to charities. Philip Spedding, Senior Manager for Advisory at CAF, has worked in fundraising for almost 30 years. He’ll be covering the best types of funders to go to, what to say to them and how you keep them engaged. This session will be focusing in particular on the information and tips needed for charities with an income up to £1M.


Key learning objectives:

  • Knowledge of the projects charity funders (individuals, trusts and corporates) are currently looking to support
  • Understand how to package digital innovation proposals for the best chance of funding success
  • Knowledge of how to turn project funding into ongoing revenue funding

Who is this session for:

  • Micro (income <£10K) - Medium (income £100K-£1M) sized charities
  • Those involved/responsible for applying for grants, grant fundraising, project funding, etc.
  • A specific technology level isn’t needed for this session. It’s open to anyone who applies for grants or wants to gain practical skills on how to source the funds to support their fundraising projects
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