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Wisteria Room

The 3 R’s of fundraising events: recruitment, retention and raising funds

14 October 202110:45 - 11:25
Jane Curtis
CEO & Founder
The Charity Event Specialist

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The three R’s: recruitment, retention and raising funds. No matter how big or small your income target, the 3 R’s will keep your fundraising events on track. But how?


Fundraising events are all about your participants. They’re the ones that will show up, engage with you and ultimately ensure you hit those all-important fundraising goals. Charities want to keep attracting new and old supporters to their events. You want to create a base of fans who return again and again, as well as add new donors that you can add to your repeat donor funnel. Creating the perfect attendee experience that keeps supporters coming back for more is an art and a science... especially when there are so many changes happening around us. But, if you follow the guidance of the 3 R’s and use them as a roadmap, your fundraising events will have the structure it needs to optimise conversions.


In this session, charity events expert Jane Curtis will be explaining event recruitment, retention and how you can convert your attendees to raise more funds. She’ll show how you can leverage your resources to run engaging events and ultimately harness the 3 R’s to help meet and exceed your fundraising goals.


Key learning outcomes:

  • Key takeaways to retain your current attendees, as well as attract new ones
  • The immediate changes you can make to your fundraising events to help meet your goals
  • An understanding of how you can adapt your event processes for the current times
  • Converting your attendees to increase donations

Who is this session for?

  • Micro (income <£10K) - Large (income £1-£10M) sized charities
  • Those working in in any role related to running and managing fundraising events of any kind
  • Those with tech expertise ranging from low to high can attend this event, however, it is advised that you have some fundraising event experience or expertise to get the most out of this session.
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