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Digital Workshops

Social media for small charities: Making it a tool, not a task

20 May 202115:00 - 16:00
Rita Chadha
Small Charities Coalition
Tilly Humphreys
Communications Coordinator
Small Charities Coalition

Download the slides!   Voice and tone exercise! 


Small charities sometimes struggle when it comes to social media. With team members often balancing several roles, some charities don’t have a dedicated social media manager. Instead, Fundraising Leads or staff who have some knowledge of social media tend to pick up the slack, half-heartedly posting on social platforms just to get the task done.


We understand that it is hard as a small charity to dedicate a whole role to social media, but it’s becoming ever more important as a tool to connect with supporters. To help you to navigate the world of social media, The Small Charities Coalition (SCC) will be delivering a workshop as part of our #BeMoreDigital Marketing Day event. The SCC will be drawing on their own experience of using social media and will cover:

  • The basics of social media
  • What to do with limited time, money, and resources
  • Your charity’s tone and voice
  • What analytics are and how to use them

This session is for:

  • Micro (<£10K income) - Small (£10-100K income) charities who want to improve their social media strategy
  • Those who work in Marketing, Fundraising, or who interact with social media in their role



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