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The power of a hashtag

20 May 202112:35 - 13:15
Matt Moore
Corporate Fundraising Manager
Rachel Grocott
Director of Communications and Public Fundraising
Bloody Good Period

Small but mighty, it’s what you do with a hashtag that makes it matter.


Some of the most important movements from the past few years have started with just one hashtag. When used well, they’re so much more than just a few words. They can create digital communities and powerful movements for years to come. On top of this, they’re an amazing form of engagement and offer the perfect opportunity to create user-generated content.


In this panel discussion, we bring together charities who have run successful hashtag-driven campaigns. Their experiences range from ongoing awareness campaigns to one-off corporate partnerships. The panel will explore campaigns including: #WhatsYourName, #NoShameHere and #FloHoHo. Our panelists will examine their campaign planning, choosing the right hashtag and the outcomes of their campaigns. Amongst other things, they’ll be discussing:

  • Coming up with the concept for a hashtag

  • Using hashtags to support your campaign goals

  • Creating online communities

  • Attracting donors and service users with hashtags

  • The lasting legacy of a hashtag

Who is this session for?

  • Those with low – high technology expertise
  • Micro (<£10K income) - Supermajor (<£100M income) sized charities
  • Our panelists come from a range of charity backgrounds and expertise, so this session is suitable for any shape or size charity
  • Those working in any Marketing, Fundraising, Social Media, Communications or Digital job roles. This session may also suit those working in Fundraising.
CommunicationsFundraisingLarge (£1-£10M)Major (£10-£100M)MarketingMedium (£100K-£1M)Micro (<£10K)Small (£10-100K)Social MediaSupermajor (>£100M)
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