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Digital Marketing

Why do small charities need a digital marketer?

20 May 202109:05 - 09:45
Louise Troy
Digital Marketing Manager
15 Square
Supported by15 Square

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With a small team of just three paid staff, 15 Square were struggling to find the time and resources to market the great work they do. They had lots of content and resources available for people, but all tucked away on their website, hard to find. They needed to continue supporting their vulnerable service users, whilst reaching and acquiring new ones. In 2020, they decided to hire a digital marketer to make their organisation more discoverable, create new, informative content, drive more website traffic and increase their overall engagement.


Within just ten months they were already seeing a return on investment; their social media following increased by 337%, their content reach and impressions increased by 28,000% and their website traffic was up by 407%. Not to mention their member sign ups more than doubled.


In this session, 15 Square will be discussing why their small charity chose to invest in the talent and expertise of a digital marketer and the impact they’ve seen from this. The decision initially seemed like a huge leap for them. But now, one year on, they want to help other small charities understand how a digital marketer can help transform their services, reach and so much more. They’ll be talking about:

  • What made them hire a digital marketer
  • Knowing what to look for and finding someone who suits your charity’s needs
  • The long and short-term impact this has had
  • The main changes that were implemented and the results they saw
  • How this hire has helped their services users
  • How they transformed from a small charity with very little presence to being recognised at the 2021 Charity Governance Awards as ‘Transforming with Digital’

Who is this session for?

  • Those with a low to mid-level understanding of digital marketing
    • Although this session is aimed at those with less digital marketing experience, some understanding of digital marketing will be helpful
  • Micro (<£10K income) - Small (£10-100K income) sized charities
  • Those working in Marketing, Digital, Leadership or Governance roles as Manager, Head of, C-Suite or Trustee/Board


Resources from the session:

C-SuiteGovernanceHead ofLeadershipManagerMicro (<£10K)Small (£10-100K)Trustee/Board
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