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How Orchard Trust turned their annual Summer Fair into an online success

15 October 202012:05 - 12:45
Louise Cobb
Community Fundraiser
Orchard Trust
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When Covid-19 restrictions cancelled Orchard Trust’s annual Summer Fair in June they decided to move the event online. With little experience of digital fundraising, only 4 weeks to go, a tiny team and limited budget they began planning a Virtual Summer Fair. With small expectations, they set themselves realistic targets, but completely underestimated how much of a success it would be.


The event was hosted via their facebook page and consisted of a Virtual Pet Show, Brazilain dance workshop, raffle, Cake Baking competition, Juggling sessions, How to Make a Face Covering workshop, ‘Behind the Scenes’ videos, Vintage Vehicle Show and much more.


Thanks to careful planning and a great community engagement plan, Orchard Trust were able to match the successes of previous face-to-face events. They maintained great interaction with their audience, generated fantastic evergreen content, added new users to their mailing lists and above all, had fun with their community. Join Orchard Trust’s Louise Cobb to find out how the team quickly up-skilled themselves, brought in an audience and moreover, ‘had a go’.

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