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Digital Workshops

It takes two: cyber security and digital strategy for smaller charities

08 July 202113:30 - 16:00
Michala Liavaag
Information Governance and Cyber Security Consultant
Cybility Consulting

Resources from this workshop:


Cyber security and digital strategy go hand in hand. You probably wouldn’t forget to include all the essentials in your strategy: your goals, platforms, audience, etc. But unfortunately, cyber security is often forgotten.


Knowing how to mitigate and manage the possible risks you could face when rolling out your strategy online helps smaller and mid-sized organisations to build resilient strategies for the future. It’s not only the job of those working in IT to think about cyber security. It’s also the role of charity leaders to make sure cyber security is accounted for at every stage.


In this workshop, we’ll be running a dedicated training session for smaller charity leaders. Michala Liavaag, expert in the sector’s security landscape, will be leading this interactive workshop on cyber security risk management and how to incorporate this into the planning and execution of a digital strategy. Workshop attendees will learn:

  • The meaning of key terms in cybersecurity risk management
  • The concept of ‘security-by-design-and-default’
  • When and how to apply the cyber security risk mindset to digital strategy development (planning, development implementation)
  • How to execute cyber security and risk management throughout a digital strategy
  • Building in reviewing and revising processes into existing strategies
  • Taking account of changes in the charity, threats, legislation, regulatory and contractual obligations

Who is this workshop for?

  • Micro (income <£10K) – Medium (income (£100K-£1M) sized charities
  • Those working in leadership, Trustee or C-Suite roles, or any role involved in strategy decision-making. This workshop would also be suitable for those working in IT-based roles who want to cooperate with their leaders on strategy
  • Those with a medium understanding of cyber security: have an understanding of cyber security, how it works and may have experience working on it in the past, but are by no means an expert


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