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Digital Workshops

Using the Code to further your digital impact

08 July 202113:30 - 14:30
Zoe Amar
Zoe Amar Digital
Callum Metcalfe
Digital Programme Manager
Young Lives vs Cancer
Supported byZoe Amar digital

Resources from this workshop:


For charity leaders, success on digital projects starts with having a united vision that the whole team understands and can buy into. Yet, The Charity Digital Skills Report found that 48% of the charities still want their CEO, board or leadership team to develop ‘a clear vision of what digital could help them achieve’. This is where the Charity Digital Code of Practice can help.


Zoe Amar, Founder of the Code, will run this workshop teaching you how principles from the Code can help you to further your digital impact. Alongside Zoe, you’ll hear from Callum Metcalfe at Young Lives Vs Cancer (previously CLIC Sargent) about how they helped their leaders shape and support a vision for digital, change their culture and work closely with users to understand their needs, developing new content and products. The workshop will also explain how to use the Code to help leaders reach agreement on where you go next with digital. There will be discussions, exercises and tasks aimed to help you understand your charity’s strengths and areas for development. Amongst other things, you’ll learn how to:


  • Inform and involve your board, drawing on trustees’ digital skills
  • Take a more user led approach to digital
  • Engage leaders across the charity
  • Use principles from the Code the create a clear, actionable digital vision


Who is this workshop for?


  • Micro (income <£10K) - Supermajor (income <£100M) sized charities
  • Those working in any leadership, Trustee or C-Suite role
  • The workshop is focused on leadership and shaping a digital vision using the Code, so is suitable for any charity leaders looking to do this
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