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Top tips to make your digital marketing #BeMoreInclusive

02 March 202109:45 - 10:25
Ellie Thompson
Disability Services and Social Media Coordinator
Diversity and Ability

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It’s easy to post content online without first asking yourself the question: is what I’m posting inclusive? Almost all charities now have a digital presence, particularly on social media. With more people online than ever before, it’s important that charities are representing and reaching the diverse range of people who engage with them. This will widen the scope of your marketing and build deeper connections with those who support you.


In this session, Ellie Thompson (Disability Services and Social Media Coordinator at Diversity and Ability) will be taking you through to be more inclusive in your marketing. The session will be focusing on social media and the quick wins your charity can achieve to transform the accessibility of your digital content.


Ellie will give you some useful tips and tricks when it comes to creating inclusive digital content. This will include an accessibility checklist for charities and a run-down of the different inclusive practices across the main social media channels. Learn how you can quickly adapt your posts to be more inclusive by following simple steps. She’ll also be explaining what we mean by the term ‘inclusive marketing’ and running you through the general principles within this.


Resources from the session:


Colour contrast checkers:

Accessible fonts:

  • Dyslexie
  • FS Me
  • Remember that any sans serif, evenly spaced fonts work well!


Image descriptions:


Inclusive language:

Diverse stock photos and images

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