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You can still access all content from the week on-demand inside the Digital Transformation Hub! You need to be logged in and registered with Charity Digital to access the Hub, which you can do for free! Once logged in, refresh your page and click on the Digital Transformation Hub. 


In the Digital Transformation Hub, you can find a combination of articles, podcasts, videos, webinars, templates or workshops. Bonus content is also available. The bonus content is existing content that relates to the theme that we think are great pieces to access alongside the content exclusive to the Digital Transformation Hub.  


Read below for a full of content for every theme!

14th March: Digital Strategy 

  • Article: How to write the perfect digital strategy 
  • Article: How to revise your digital strategy 
  • Article: How to get sign-off for digital strategy 
  • Template: Digital strategy 
  • Video: How to create the perfect digital strategy 
  • Podcast: Digital strategies: the road to success 


15th March: Digital Challenges  

  • Article: The biggest risks facing charities in 2022  
  • Article: The biggest financial risks for the charity sector  
  • Article: Four common security mistakes and how to avoid them - sponsored by NCSC
  • Article: How Shelter overcame their digital challenges  
  • Article: How charities are overcoming digital challenges  
  • Video: How to master social media 
  • Podcast: Addressing the challenges of digital transformation 


16th March: Leadership & Culture  

  • Article: How to develop soft-skills for your charity 
  • Article: How to get digital buy-in from your team 
  • Article: How charities can learn digital skills for free 
  • Article: How charities can prioritise employee wellbeing 
  • Template: Cyber security for charity boards - sponsored by NCSC
  • 10 am Webinar: Five key ingredients of a digital culture  
  • 1 pm Workshop: How to ensure your digital strategy, projects and culture are accessible first time, every time 


17th March: Digital Fundraising 

  • Article: How to recruit digital fundraisers 
  • Article: How to handle controversial fundraising campaigns  
  • Article: The digital tools need to master fundraising 
  • Article: How fundraising is changing in 2022 - sponsored by Donr
  • Template: Grant funding template 
  • 10 am Webinar: Creating compelling digital experiences to inspire and engage your supporters - sponsored by
  • 12pm Webinar: Tips on making your brand memorable to increase donations 


18th March: Small Charities 

  • Article: How small charities can continue their digital journey 
  • Article: Defining the core digital pillars for small charities 
  • Article: Why every charity needs a social media policy 
  • Article: Easy steps to optimising content for mobile - sponsored by
  • Template: Digital strategy for small charities 
  • Template: Digital audit for small charities  
  • Video: Why even the smallest charity needs to be cyber secure - sponsored by NCSC

We want to hear your thoughts! Use the hashtag #DTW2022 to let us know what you’ve been enjoying and the resources you’ve found more useful!







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