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How tech can be used to strengthen a story and broadcast it to more audiences

12:00 - 13:00

The way we tell stories is evolving. Oral storytelling has moved from the Iliad to iTunes. Visual storytelling from cave walls to wall posts, and written storytelling has gone from the original stone tablets to what we now know today as handheld tablets.


This evolution outdates the pandemic but the closure of heritage sites over the past year has brought about new and unique ways of connecting with our audiences. From online plays, to immersive virtual reality walk-through experiences. Online museum tours to audio blogs and vlogs, the different ways we tell stories and the creativity behind them has blossomed.


That is why we’re bringing together three incredible organisations to not only share their experiences of tech-driven storytelling but discuss how it can be applied to any and all heritage organisation no matter size, scope or budget. Join this incredible panel to learn:

  • How you can use technology to strengthen and broadcast your stories
  • The main challenges to look out for and how to overcome them
  • How to adopt a digital mindset when it comes to storytelling
  • How to start planning for tech-driven storytelling and get buy-in from boards and leadership
  • What adopting tech-driven storytelling can do for your organisation

Featured SpeakersView All

Featured Speakers

Amy Shakespeare

Amy Shakespeare

Innovation Manager
Cornwall Museums Partnerships
Alec Ward

Alec Ward

Digital Skills Manager
Culture 24
Tamsin Shasha

Tamsin Shasha

Artistic Director
Actors of Dionysus
Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Head of Marketing

Watch here

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