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New to Charity Digital?


Welcome to the new Charity Digital Sign-In Experience!

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement we are excited to announce a significant upgrade to our Charity Digital sign-in experience for and!

The new system combines the sign-in for both websites for all users, meaning users of either platforms will only have to login once to access both, while maintaining our highest standards of security.


What’s changed?

  • You will be brought to this login page when you click ‘login’ on either or 
  • Once you have completed login you will be taken to the new ‘Welcome Page’. On this page you can easily browse a full catalogue of Charity Digital’s content, products, and services in one location, or navigate back to the page you started on in one click.
  • Once you have completed login you will have access to both and

Please note:
If you previously only had an account on you will need to reset your password the first time you login through this new process.


For support on Validation Services, please contact us via live chat or contact customers service via email


Need help?

If you need any further support, please feel free to contact Charity Digital by:
Phone: 02073243390
LiveChat: Just click on the LiveChat button on the bottom right of the screen on either or



Please take a moment to Login - this will allow you to access all the enhanced features of this website. If you're not yet registered on this site - /registration.
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