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On-demand webinar: Adopting digital experiences to boost your virtual fundraising

13:00 - 14:00

COVID-19 has changed the way we as charities operate today and likely forever. While fundraising has become more of a challenge for some charities, now is not the time to stand still or stop but a time to adopt virtual outreach and adapt how we operate digitally. 


In this webinar, we will examine how charities can use personalisation and marketing automation technology to promote outreach activities, drive fundraising campaigns, and more importantly, make sure you’re being heard.


Following on from last year’s webinar, Nigel Taylor, Senior Solutions Consultant at Acquia returns to deliver a session on how charities can embrace digital experiences and understand their audience better.

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Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Head of Marketing
Nigel Taylor

Nigel Taylor

Solutions Consultant EMEA

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