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On-demand webinar: Embracing diversity in the workplace

13:00 - 14:00


Tune in to the experts from Microsoft and discover how technology is helping to level the playing field for those with disabilities.


Your charity’s employees, volunteers, community members and potential supporters need to be able to work together and have full access to information without any limitations. That’s why Microsoft’s accessibility advocates are hosting this free webinar about how tech can embed accessibility into everything you do.


You’ll learn:

  • How to design a more inclusive workplace culture
  • How to ensure accessible collaboration across virtual teams
  • How to build inclusive volunteering initiatives
  • Tips on establishing an accessible social media presence

Catch up on Microsoft’s other webinars:


Eve Joseph, Kerri Hollis, Steven WoodgateEve Joseph, Kerri Hollis, Steven Woodgate
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Jonathan Chevallier

Jonathan Chevallier

Charity Digital
Steven Woodgate ​

Steven Woodgate ​

Marketing Leader
Kerri Hollis

Kerri Hollis

Customer Success Manager

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