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On-demand webinar: Hybrid approaches to fundraising events

13:00 - 14:00

Charities have spent the past year shifting to virtual fundraising events, moving to the world of online auctions, Zoom pub quizzes, digital cooking lessons, gaming for good, and more. Virtual events became a necessity, as charities navigated social distancing and several lockdowns. But charities soon noticed the huge advantages of throwing virtual events.


Post-lockdown events will be hybrid. Charities will retain the advantages of the virtual, but will likely include some aspect of the physical. Charities will likely take the best from both worlds, adopting the authenticity of in-person events with the simplicity and inclusivity of the virtual.


Hybrid events offer myriad benefits. They allow charities to overcome geographical limitations, increase reach, and ensure inclusivity. Hybrid events also provide a greater return on investment, as charities can mobilise their physical supporter base but still have access to more potential donors. Today’s webinar discusses all of the above and also addresses how charities can put on their own virtual events.

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Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Head of Marketing
Charity Digital
Mimi Morrill

Mimi Morrill

Events Manager
Charity Digital

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