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On-demand webinar: A charity guide to AI

13:00 - 14:00


Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has already made its mark on 2023, with the advent of tools like ChatGPT and AI-generated images hitting the headlines. But as the technology becomes increasingly ubiquitous in our daily lives, the question remains: what does AI mean for charities? 


With limited time and resources, it is easy to see how charities might benefit from AI technology that generates content and ideas almost immediately, with minimal instruction. But with 100s of new AI tools being released each week, with seemingly endless possibilities, it is vital that the charity sector understands the technology and its implications for the future. 


In this webinar, Phil Dearson, Digital Director at WPNC, takes us through an overview of AI, outlining the different types and how they work together, and its possibilities and limitations going forward. 


Attendees can expect to learn: 

  • The history and future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

  • Different types of AI and how charities can use it 

  • The ethical implications of using AI

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Phil Dearson

Phil Dearson

Digital Director
Chiara Simmons Wood

Chiara Simmons Wood

Event Planning and Marketing Coordinator

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