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On-demand webinar: Artificial intelligence and digital inclusion

13:00 - 14:00


Artificial intelligence (AI) has many implications for the future of society. It relates to a wide array of everyday concerns such as human rights, privacy, mental health, healthcare, the workplace, the environment, civic participation, democracy, and equality. What’s more, it is up to each one of us to guide the powerful technology into having the most positive impact possible.


The charity sector knows it is responsible for empowering the people who have been most marginalised and excluded in society, but we want to know: what does that look like in a world embracing AI?


In this online panel event in partnership with Dell, we will explore how AI is already impacting people and communities, the meanings of AI safety and AI literacy, and how charitable organisations can take action on digital and AI inclusion.



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Tara Lee

Tara Lee

Account Manager
Charity Digital
Emma Stone

Emma Stone

Director of Evidence and Engagement
Good Things Foundation
Zoe Amar

Zoe Amar

Founder and Director
Zoe Amar Digital
Rachel Coldicutt

Rachel Coldicutt

Founder and Executive Director
Promising Trouble / Careful Industries
Caspar Kennerdale

Caspar Kennerdale

Managing Director

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