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On-demand webinar: Digital estates and donations – improving the supporter experience

13:00 - 14:00


Charities face many challenges in 2024, not least raising funds and increasing the frequency of donations during a time of economic uncertainty. 


Whist many charities have donation tools activated within their digital estates, many donors still find it difficult to donate due to a poor user experience and layers of friction when it comes to payment. Donation platforms may take users off charity websites to third party platforms or simply include too many steps in the giving process - whatever the problem, it is putting donors off and risking turning them away. 


In this webinar, website experts Oblongata will explain how charities can improve their supporter experience and ensure their digital platforms and donation tools suit the needs of their donors, while not compromising on functionality for themselves. 


Attendees can expect to learn:

  • How to ensure that their digital estate offers the optimum supporter experience.
  • How to provide a frictionless donation funnel for donors
  • How to ensure that your technology is joined up, allowing your CMS to work with your CRM to increase donor frequency




To ensure that your attendance at this webinar is most fruitful, please note that the content is aimed at people who fit the following criteria:  

  • Heads of Digital, CEOs, IT managers, and IT professionals

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Andrew Wiltshire

Andrew Wiltshire

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