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On-demand webinar: How to improve your financial management

13:00 - 14:00


In an era of heightened competition and continuous change, charities face unique challenges in planning for the future, particularly financially. The cost-of-living crisis has given rise to a cost-of-giving crisis and charities must balance rising demand for their services with a challenging fundraising climate.


In this webinar, presented by financial management experts Sage Intacct, we explore how charities can prioritise efficiency with their finances, using flexible technology that works well together across departments in order to meet evolving demands. 


Drawing from real-world examples and expert insights, we delve into the five major integration pitfalls charities must avoid so they can secure the effectiveness of their financial management system and ensure financial success in the future


Attendees can expect to learn:

  • How to safeguard sensitive financial information across various systems
  • How to overcome the core challenges of integrating financial technology
  • Practical examples of how charities successfully used financial technology to enhance their operations


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