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On-demand webinar: How to write for social media

13:00 - 14:00


Writing for social media is a real skill. Not only are you up against character limits, you are also competing for people’s attention in a complex and crowded space. Writing for social media requires creativity, an understanding of the nuances of each platform, as well as deep knowledge of your audience.

In this webinar, copywriter Kirsty Marrins shares tips on how to improve your writing for social media. You’ll learn, among many other things, the various elements of great writing, how to find your “why”, how to inspire people into action, why accessibility remains important, and how to make your copy clear, concise, impactful, and inclusive. 


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kirsty marrins

kirsty marrins

Freelance Copywriter
Chiara Simmons Wood

Chiara Simmons Wood

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