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On-demand webinar: The top five digital trends

13:00 - 14:00

As we enter a new decade that promises to be the most innovative yet, we thought it best to kick off our 2020 webinar program with a look at the top digital trends that will dominate the year. 


There have been as many as 50 tech trends prospected for 2020 but we’ve chosen the 5 we believe most relevant to charities, covering topics such as data, marketing, and inclusivity. 


Join our very own Marketing Manager Chris Hall to go through the top 5 digital trends of 2020 and unpick how charities big and small can get ahead of the curve as we plan for 2020.


We’ll be looking at: 

  • The real value of customer multi-experience 
  • The necessity of a digital culture 
  • A year of rebuilding trust and transparency 
  • AI and new tech 
  • Customer journeys and personalization 2.0

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Mimi Morrill

Mimi Morrill

Events Manager
Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Head of Marketing

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