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On-demand webinar: Five steps to improve charity security

16:00 - 17:00

Keeping valuable data secure is a top priority for charities, especially in 2022. A noticeable increase in breaches in the sector was responsible for two in five organisations changing their attitudes towards cyber security in recent years, while more than a quarter suffered a cyber breach themselves.  


With the number of threats rising, and increasing in sophistication, it is important that every member of staff, volunteer, and leader takes security seriously and understands their role in working securely to mitigate the risk of a breach.  It is no longer a job for IT professionals alone – it is up to everyone to ensure there are no weak links in a charity’s cyber armour.  


In this webinar, Microsoft Tech for Social Impact will outline five important steps that charities and nonprofits can take to embed cyber security protocols and awareness throughout their operations.  

Attendees will learn, among other things: 

  • How to create and document security policies
  • How to build security awareness and skills throughout your team 
  • How to choose and use technology to fit the way you work 

This session will be helpful for organisations just starting their security journey, but also for those further down the path who are looking for guidance. 

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Featured Speakers

Sacha Dhabalia

Sacha Dhabalia

Marketing Executive
Apurva Chandra

Apurva Chandra

Sr. Industry Executive Modern Workplace
Tech for Social Impact
Priyo Lahiri

Priyo Lahiri

Sr. Technical Specialist - Security Compliance and Identity
Microsoft Tech for Social Impact

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