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On-demand webinar: How to build engaging and inspiring supporter journeys

13:00 - 14:00

Today’s supporters have high expectations. They want to feel connected to your charity’s mission, know how their donations are being spent and understand their impact. Successful charities need to put in place strategies to build long-lasting relationships and deliver personalised experiences, ensuring supporters feel valued, inspired, and engaged.


Nonprofits know the importance of building supporter journeys in order to keep supporters engaged, but find themselves torn between limited resources and increased importance. 
Our upcoming webinar in partnership with aims to help, showing charities how they can create, build, manage and measure engaging supporter journeys, quickly. 


The webinar will demonstrate, among other things, how to automate marketing without losing the human touch, how to tailor emails to meet supporters’ needs, and how to inspire supporters towards repeating the donation cycle in the future.

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Featured Speakers

Nick Wyatt

Nick Wyatt

Growth Marketing Executive
Vinyet Bujosa-Armora

Vinyet Bujosa-Armora

Marketing Cloud Specialist
Growing Minds
Andrea Goezinne

Andrea Goezinne

Product Marketing Manager EMEA
Saskia van Wijngaarden

Saskia van Wijngaarden

Marketing and Fundraising Manager
Kinderfonds MAMAS

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Thank you for attending our webinar!


As promised, hit the link below to download the slides from the session:

Additional resources from the session:


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