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On-demand webinar: How to create the perfect digital strategy

13:00 - 14:00

A digital strategy helps organisations to plan and achieve their goals and objectives. It provides a clear and concise roadmap to a better future, allowing charities to make the most of the best tech, systems, and platforms to increase productivity, improve performance, and streamline processes.


As a new financial year looms, now is the perfect time to create a comprehensive and ambitious digital strategy and map out the future of your success. In this webinar, Charity Digital’s Chris Hall will walk attendees through the essential steps your charity can take to create a digital strategy.


The session will explore, among other things, how to set your goals and allocate resources, how to explore tech options on the market, how to actually write your digital strategy, how to track data and use metrics, and how to revise your strategy based on successes and failures.

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Featured Speakers

Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Head of Marketing
Charity Digital
Elizabeth Carter

Elizabeth Carter

Email Marketing Manager
Charity Digital

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