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On-demand webinar: How to put storytelling at the heart of fundraising

13:00 - 14:00

To stand out and fundraise online, charities have to garner an emotional reaction from their audience, define their cause,  promote their mission, and ultimately find their voice. And the best way to achieve all that is through telling stories.


Storytelling is an art, not a science. But that does not mean that you cannot improve the process, learn how to tell stories more efficiently and coherently, use tips and tricks to engage and educate your audience, and make the most out of your users to better tell their story.


In this webinar, Charity Digital’s Chris Hall is going to tackle all of the most important elements of storytelling. We will uncover how you can develop a strong and lasting emotional connection, how to include all elements of a story from plot to character to resolution, how to use various mediums, how to properly demonstrate your impact, and so much more.

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Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Head of Marketing

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