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On-demand webinar: How to reach more supporters online

13:00 - 14:00

The online world is a noisy place. Charities increasingly have to find new ways to cut through the clutter, get their message out there, and drive donations.  


A charity’s website is an excellent opportunity to do just that. Research has shown that people who donate directly through a charity’s website are more likely to remember the cause they donated to in the future. It makes a first impression to your supporters that demonstrates the urgency, efficacy, and impact of your work.  


In this webinar, we explore the ins and outs of charity websites, what makes them stand out to supporters, and what drives donations. We’ll look at making it more visible via Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and the content you’ll need to make it shine.  


Attendees can expect to learn: 

  • How charity websites can build trust 
  • How to boost donations through your website 
  • How to help more people find you through SEO 

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Featured Speakers

Kiki Tetley

Kiki Tetley

Transformation Manager
Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Head of Marketing

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Slides & resources

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Extra resources: 


- Video: Building your own website 

- .ORG Learning Centre

- Claim your FREE .charity domain as an exclusive limited offer as a member of Charity Digital!

- The Digital Project Manager

- Office 365 for Non Profits

- A step-by-step guide to Google for Non Profits sign up

- Video: Getting started with the Google Ad Grant


Download the slides

Download this documentHow to reach more supporters online - webinar slides
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