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On-demand webinar: Narrative by numbers – how to tell a story using data

14:00 - 15:00

Relationships between charities and supporters rely on establishing an emotional connection. This connection is at the heart of fundraising – people will not donate to a charity to which they do not feel connected. Charities must nurture that connection to build long-term relationships with donors. 


The easiest way for charities to establish that connection is to effectively tell their story. And the easiest way to tell their story is by using data. Successful charities transform data into a compelling narrative to show donors how they’ve helped in the past, how they are helping at present, and how they will help in the future.  


In this webinar, Natalie Anderson, Senior Industry Manager at Sage Intacct, will explain the importance of metrics in driving your charity’s narrative and discuss how to use them to motivate donors when it comes to fundraising and support, sharing key insights from its Non-profit Storytelling report.  


Attendees can expect to learn: 

  • How to tell your organisation’s story   
  • How to nurture your donor base, what they do and do not want when they interact with a charity 
  • How to use data to celebrate your successes 

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Elizabeth Carter

Elizabeth Carter

Email Marketing Manager
Charity Digital

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