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On-demand webinar: SEO for charities 101

13:00 - 14:00

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an essential tool for charities. SEO allows charities to raise funds, find a larger audience, increase reach, build reputation, and so much more. But SEO has a reputation for complexity, often depending on confusing jargon, technical buzzwords, and exclusionary language.


Our webinar will break down that confusion and give you a straightforward guide to SEO. We will cover keyword research, keyword optimisation, backlinks and hyperlinks, load times, mobile friendliness, content creation, social media, and so much more.


Nick Wyatt, Charity Digital Growth Marketing Executive, will give you loads of brilliant and practical tricks and tips to takeaway and will join host Ioan Marc Jones to answer questions at the end. The webinar will give you the tools you need to effectively optimise your content and increase your reach.

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Featured Speakers

Nick Wyatt

Nick Wyatt

Growth Marketing Executive
Ioan Marc Jones

Ioan Marc Jones

Head of Content

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