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On-demand webinar: The essentials of digital marketing

13:00 - 14:00

Marketing refers to any action an organisation takes to attract an audience to its product or services. It is the act of promotion, raising awareness, strengthening loyalty, or demonstrating the value of your services. It is something every charity, regardless of shape and size, depends upon.


Perhaps you post some fun and informative facts on social media. Perhaps you changed the title of your latest email header. Perhaps you’re throwing a meet-and-greet event. All of that is marketing. 


In this webinar, Chris Hall, Charity Digital’s Head of Marketing, will run through the essentials of digital marketing. The session will define core marketing goals, show you how to perfect a website and produce engaging content, discuss social media and email marketing, and so much more.

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Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Head of Marketing
Elizabeth Carter

Elizabeth Carter

Email Marketing Manager

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