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On-demand webinar: Turning data into donations

13:00 - 14:00

So you’ve got data – now what? Data alone will not help raise funds – it takes a combination of good communication, transparency, and the metrics that donors care about to drive donations.  


Donors want to know what you’ll do with their money, who it will help, and what proportion of their funds will go directly to the cause they’re choosing to support. The key metrics that charities measure should reflect what is important to their audience so that they can talk about their progress and build trust. Whether it’s showing how your services have grown over time or breaking down how much money goes on your service delivery compared to other costs, transparency is everything.   


This webinar will cover the metrics that charities should include when talking to donors, the importance of looking at these metrics regularly, and how you can communicate these for the ease of your supporters, both new and existing.  


Attendees will learn: 

  • What donors want to know before they donate 

  • How to measure the important metrics, such as programme efficiency

  • How to use data to communicate impact to your donors in a compelling way 


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Grant Gevers

Grant Gevers

Senior Solutions Consultant
Sage Intacct
Elizabeth Carter

Elizabeth Carter

Email Marketing Manager
Charity Digital

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