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On-demand webinar: Putting the right resources behind human resources – what to look for in HR technology

13:00 - 14:00


HR is a vital function within charities, looking after the lifeblood of any organisation – namely its volunteers and employees. But for something so important, it can be difficult to know who in your charity is responsible for HR and who has the time to dedicate to it, especially in a sector already very pushed for time.


As workplaces continue to shift to a hybrid model, managing HR concerns will only become more complex in the post-COVID-19 world. Cloud HR technology will have a big part to play in how we meet that challenge. But, if you’re a charity considering an automated or cloud HR system, where would you even start?


In our latest webinar, Grainne Shaughnessy from Sage People will outline everything you need to know about choosing the perfect cloud HR system for your charity. Whether you’re in HR, finance, or IT, attendees will come away from the webinar knowing the most important attributes of a cloud HR system – and find out how using such a system can free up a third of your time to focus on the things that really count.


Attendees can expect to learn:

  • What should you expect from a HR system?

  • The benefits of HR systems for charities

  • A checklist for selecting the right HR system for you

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Featured Speakers

Elizabeth Carter

Elizabeth Carter

Email Marketing Manager
Grainne Shaughnessy

Grainne Shaughnessy

Product Marketing Lead

Slides & Resources

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As promised, hit the link below to download the slides from the session:

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