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Charity Digital Academy: How to prepare for the future

09:00 - 17:00
Resource for London, 356 Holloway Rd, London N7 6PA

Due to unforseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled.


Online Charity Digital Academy events are available by clicking here.


The charity sector is rapidly evolving. We at Charity Digital aim to help charities meet the demands of the moment, embrace the future, and find creative and tech-driven solutions to new and existing challenges.


Following the success of our online training sessions, we’re thrilled to host a series of two-hour in-person, in-depth, and interactive sessions that will propel your charity into the future. Sessions, hosted at Resource for London, are separated by charity size, ensuring the training is directly applicable to your organisation, mission, and cause. 



Featured SpeakersView All

Featured Speakers

​Jocelyn Burnham​

​Jocelyn Burnham​

AI Consultant to the Culture, Heritage, and Charity sector
AI for Culture
Rachel Collinson

Rachel Collinson

Consultant - Donor Whisper
Kate White

Kate White

Colin Cregan

Colin Cregan

Technical Lead
Helen Olszowska

Helen Olszowska

Managing Director, Seashell Collective

Academy Agenda

We are offering two-hour in-person sessions on four essential topics: AI, Marketing (including social media and email marketing), the use of Microsoft, and the future of fundraising. 


To ensure that participants can make the most of the day, there will be sessions run on each of the 4 topics, split by organisational size. 


9.45am -  Welcome 




Session One


For Small and Medium Organisations:


10am - 12pm: Maximise the use of Microsoft with Kate White and Colin Cregan from Superhighways 

(Ideal for IT Technicians / IT & Data Team Leaders / Operations Managers)


For Large Organisations:


10am - 12pm: The use of Microsoft within charities*


Session Two


For Small and Medium Organisations:


10am - 12pm: Supercharge your email and social media marketing with Helen Olszowksa from Seashell Collective 

(Ideal for Marketing Executives / Digital Marketing Executives / Marketing Managers / Communication Officers)


For Large Organisations:


10am - 12pm - Marketing, Email & Social Media*






Session Three


For Small and Medium Organisations:


1pm - 3pm: How to boost your fundraising with Rachel Collinson from Donor Whisperer 

(Ideal for Fundraising Officers / Communications Officers / Fundraising Managers)


For Large Organisations:


1pm - 3pm: Fundraising*


Sessions Four


For Small and Medium Organisations:


1pm - 3pm: Artificial intelligence in the charity sector with Jocelyn Burnham from AI for Culture

(Ideal for Digital Officers / Data Officers / Data Managers)


For Large Organisations:


1pm - 3pm: Artificial Intelligence*


*Sessions for large organisations are best suited to senior professionals in Fundraising, Marketing, IT, Data and Operations.  Session titles will be released shortly.   

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