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Workshop: How to take financial leadership to the next level

10:00 - 12:30

Applications for this workshop are now closed. 


The aim of this workshop is to bring finance leaders together to discuss how to go above and beyond and take their financial leadership to the next level. The workshop will allow attendees to learn from one another about how leading charities are using data-driven strategies and finance technologies to advance their missions.    


What you can expect to learn:  

  • The three stages of financial leadership  
  • What it takes to reach the most advanced stage, Financial Leadership 3.0 
  • How to effectively use data to drive decisions and strategies 
  • How to go beyond generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) reporting 
  • How to review and refresh processes with technology  


Who should attend: 


The workshops are for charity professionals directly involved with overseeing charity finances, from Chief Finance Officers to Finance Managers and Controllers.  


We are particularly encouraging charities with an annual income of £3m up to £500m to apply.  


Workshops are open on an application basis for up to 20 people, please review the deadline to be sure not to miss out.

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