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On-demand webinar: Choosing the right CRM for your organisation

13:00 - 14:00

A customer relationship management (CRM) system is a central database that allows you to record, manage, and analyse interactions with donors, supporters, prospects, and many others. CRMs give charities a 360-degree view of interactions, allowing them to navigate the complexities of fundraising, donor engagement, event and campaign management, and so much more. 


CRM systems are an essential resource for every charity regardless of size. But CRMs have a reputation for supposed complexity, particularly among charity professionals who are not regular users. 


In this week’s Charity Digital webinar, Kate White, Manager at Superhighways, and Alice Linell, Data and Evaluation Adviser at Superhighways, offer some advice about choosing the best CRM for your charity. The webinar will explain, among other things, the basics of CRMs, the types of data managed by CRMs, and how to optimise your CRM. 

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Featured Speakers

Kate White

Kate White

Alice Linell

Alice Linell

Data and Evaluation Adviser
Lisa Chomette

Lisa Chomette

Head Of Partnerships
Charity Digital

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