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On-demand webinar: Bringing digital into the boardroom

13:00 - 14:00


Driving digital transformation within a charity starts from the top. Board members often have limited time and so much to discuss that they struggle to lead, face bottlenecks, and fail to progress. Our session, specifically aimed to accelerate digital transformation, will help board members manage priorities, find solutions to existing issues, and lead organisations.


Our presenter will offer a best practice guide for conducting digital board meetings, with an emphasis on security, communication, and collaboration. They will show trustees how to manage and accelerate digital change. And they will explore the best board management software currently on the market and help you to decide which best serves your needs. 


Attendees can expect to learn:

  • How to best manage digital change for your charity board members
  • How board portals such as OnBoard can be easily used by all board members 
  • How charities are already using OnBoard to prioritise security and collaboration                                                                                


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Featured Speakers

Kelly Van Niekerk

Kelly Van Niekerk

Account Executive
Claire Tavernier

Claire Tavernier

Chair of Trustee Board
Charity Digital
Lisa Chomette

Lisa Chomette

Head Of Partnerships
Charity Digital
Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

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