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Brexit and the UK charity sector

08:00 - 09:00

On 23 June 2016, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. After four years of uncertainty, four years of unanswered questions, the UK finally reached a trade agreement on 30 December 2020. The next day, on 31 December 2020, the UK officially left the EU.


In the Charity Digital podcast, we explore the impact of Brexit on the UK charity sector. We discuss, among other things, the charity elements in the UK/EU trade agreement, the creation of the Civil Society Forum, changes to immigration policy, data protection and data transfer, the EU VAT regime, environmental and land management issues, and much, much more.


Panel speakers: Geoff Nuttall (Head of Policy and Public Affairs at the NICVA), Naziar Hashemi (Partner and National Head of Non-Profits at Crowe UK), Caron Bradshaw (Chief Executive of the Charity Finance Group), and Richard Sagar (Policy Manager of the Charity Finance Group).

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Host & GuestsView All

Host & Guests

Raabia Fazil

Raabia Fazil

Customer Service Manager and writer
Caron Bradshaw

Caron Bradshaw

Chief Executive
Charity Finance Group
Richard Sagar

Richard Sagar

Policy Manager
Charity Finance Group
Geoff Nuttall

Geoff Nuttall

Head of Policy & Public Affairs
NICVA (Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action)
Naziar Hashemi

Naziar Hashemi

Partner and National Head of Non-Profits
Crowe UK


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