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Podcast: A Christmas Carol: The past, present, and future of fundraising

08:00 - 09:00

‘Tis the most obvious time of the year. And we are going to do the most obvious podcast, based on the one Charles Dickens book that isn’t 900 pages. We are going to make egg-nog, drink in the office, and use our expertise to tell you about the past, present, and future of fundraising.


The past will cover the joys and authenticity of in-person fundraising, the immediacy and the emotive connection, but the mistakes of ignoring the digital. The present will future on the effects of COVID-19, the mistakes charities are making, and the way to overcome those problems. The future will show the mistakes charities might make and what they could do to ensure perpetual happiness.


Charity Digital Content Lead and host, Laura Stanley, is joined by three esteemed colleagues, Ioan Marc Jones (Content Editor who did not die), Lisa Chomette (Business Development Manager), and Sacha Dhabalia (Marketing Intern) to discuss their thoughts on fundraising.

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Host & Guests

Sacha Dhabalia

Sacha Dhabalia

Marketing Executive
Charity Digital
Ioan Marc Jones

Ioan Marc Jones

Head of Content
Charity Digital
Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

Senior Content Writer
Charity Digital
Lisa Chomette

Lisa Chomette

Head Of Partnerships
Charity Digital


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