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Podcast: Fundraising actually

07:00 - 08:00

The world can sometimes feel a little gloomy. But it’s always worth remembering that thousands of people dedicate time, money, and resources to charities every single day. Even now, in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, in the midst of multiple economic challenges, donations remain strong, with fundraising campaigns continuing amid the various pressures.


We want to celebrate fundraising efforts throughout the year. We want to look back at 2022 and discuss our favourite campaigns, our favourite charities, and our favourite events. We want to discuss the different ways that charities have raised money, the appeals that have had an impact, the new techniques that have made a difference.


In our first Christmas podcast, members of the Charity Digital team discuss the various challenges, trends, and campaigns that caught our eye throughout 2022.

Host & GuestsView All

Host & Guests

Nick Wyatt

Nick Wyatt

Growth Marketing Executive
Charity Digital
Ioan Marc Jones

Ioan Marc Jones

Head of Content
Charity Digital
Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

Senior Content Writer
Charity Digital


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