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Podcast: How to talk about climate change

07:00 - 08:00


As a team, we are thinking a lot about climate action and how charities can get involved. Our 2023 Climate Action campaign aims to impart those findings to our audience. In this podcast, we think beyond why it’s important to talk about climate change to discussing how we and other charities can talk about climate change. We ask: how can charities talk about this complex issue in ways that are both accurate and make sense to their audience?


Join host Lisa Chomette with guests Ioan Marc Jones (Content Editor) and Laura Stanley (Content Writer) to learn how to stay informed about the climate, how to understand your audience, and some of the most useful, interesting, and surprising facts we’ve found in our research.

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Host & Guests

Ioan Marc Jones

Ioan Marc Jones

Head of Content
Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

Senior Content Writer
Lisa Chomette

Lisa Chomette

Head Of Partnerships

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