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Podcast: Making your charity inclusive online

08:00 - 09:00

One in five people in the UK are living with a disability, according to disability charity Scope. Yet, despite this number, organisations still fail to cater to people with disabilities online. Confusing layouts, small fonts, and poor colour contrasts all contribute to inaccessible online experiences. 

For charities, making sure their content and design is inclusive and accessible is more important than most. With such a wide range of audiences, with varying needs, improving accessibility ensures they can include as many people as possible in their cause. This is a matter that has been a focal point for Ambitious about Autism and is part of a three-year digital transformation project.


Our host Ashley Fontaine, Marketing Programme Manager at Charity Digital, is joined by David Spector (Head of Strategy, Trillium) and Marie Ashton (Head of Marketing and Communications, Ambitious about Autism) to discuss ways that charities can remove barriers for their audience online and make their content more inclusive for their audiences.   

Host & GuestsView All

Host & Guests

David Spector

David Spector

Head of Digital Services
Marie Ashton

Marie Ashton

Head of Marketing and Communications
Ambitious About Autism


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